Saturday, November 30, 2019

MBA Online Program at Cleveland State University Essay Example

MBA Online Program at Cleveland State University Essay Cleveland State University has a long history of MBA programs. It was founded in 1964 and offers various undergraduate and graduate programs. The online MBA program goes under its Monte Ahuja College of Business where students can find many areas for getting a final degree. This business has been accredited by AACSB which represents the best accreditation an online MBA course can have. The accounting program of this school has also received AACSB accreditation. The only thing you need to do is file up the application and get ready for getting advanced knowledge in your field. The Cleveland State University online MBA programs are preparing the students for life after they graduate. Their curriculum has been made to serve any student in order to become the best in his/her area. They tend to cover many areas of interest for the students to find their perfect place. The students will be able to find many eye-catching and advanced courses such as Labor Relations, Human Resources Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management and Managerial Accounting. If you are interested in any fields in particular, be sure that you will get the best education. The students won’t feel any difficulty getting these programs. The staff is online 24/7 enabling you to get through any technical issue that might come up. They have very simple programs that will get you through online learning and provide you with easy assistance. The Cleveland State University wants to assure you that every question you might have will be answered right away. All students will be required to take a standard admission test. There are couple of ways you can avoid being tested for admission, but most of the students will have to take it. The score for passing the test is 50% and above for getting qualified. We will write a custom essay sample on MBA Online Program at Cleveland State University specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on MBA Online Program at Cleveland State University specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on MBA Online Program at Cleveland State University specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The tuition for signing up for these online MBA programs here is the same like in the other universities. The difference here is that Cleveland State University offers financial aid for all students to get into their courses. All students have the right to apply for financial aid. So far, 70% of all students have used financial aid from the university. The tuition includes course materials and books, iPad 4G with Verizon contract for each student until the end of the program. Cleveland State University offers flexibility. You will be able to gain access to the required materials every time you need them. The only thing you need is an Internet connection. The professors are also able to interact with the students and provide them with additional materials for learning. Choosing Cleveland State University gives you the right to be among the best.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Politics Of Plato And Aristotle Essays - Ancient Greek Philosophers

Politics Of Plato And Aristotle Essays - Ancient Greek Philosophers Politics of Plato and Aristotle To compare the political theories of two great philosophers of politics is to first examine each theory in depth. Plato is regarded by many experts as the first writer of political philosophy, and Aristotle is recognized as the first political scientist. These two men were great thinkers. They each had ideas of how to improve existing societies during their individual lifetimes. It is necessary to look at several areas of each theory to seek the difference in each. The main focus of Plato is a perfect society. He creates a blueprint for a utopian society, in his book The Republic, out of his disdain for the tension of political life (Hacker, 24). This blueprint was a sketch of a society in which the problems he thought were present in his society would be eased (Hacker 24). Plato sought to cure the afflictions of both human society and human personality (Hacker 24). Essentially what Plato wants to achieve is a perfect society. Aristotle, unlike Plato, is not concerned with perfecting society. He just wants to improve on the existing one. Rather than produce a blueprint for the perfect society, Aristotle suggested, in his work, The Politics, that the society itself should reach for the best possible system that could be attained (Hacker 71). Aristotle relied on the deductive approach, while Aristotle is an example of an inductive approach (Hacker 71). Utopia is a solution in abstract, a solution that has no concrete problem (Hacker 76). There is no solid evidence that all societies are in need of such drastic reformation as Plato suggests (Hacker 76). Aristotle discovers that the best possible has already been obtained (Hacker 76). All that can be done is to try to improve on the existing one. Plato's utopia consists of three distinct, non-hereditary class systems (Hacker 32). The Guardians consist of non ruling Guardians and ruling Guardians. The non-rulers are a higher level of civil servants and the ruling is the society's policy makers (Hacker 32). Auxilaries are soldiers and minor civil servants (Hacker 32). Finally the Workers, are composed of farmers and artisans, most commonly unskilled laborers (Hacker 32). The Guardians are to be wise and good rulers. It is important that the rulers who emerge must be a class of craftsmen who are public-spirited in temperament and skilled in the arts of government areas (Hacker 33). The guardians are to be placed in a position in which they are absolute rulers. They are supposed to be the select few who know what is best for society (Hacker 33). Aristotle disagrees with the idea of one class holding discontinuing political power (Hacker 85). The failure to allow circulation between classes excludes those men who may be ambitious, and wise, but are not in the right class of society to hold any type of political power (Hacker 85). Aristotle looks upon this ruling class system as an ill-conceived political structure (Hacker 86). He quotes "It is a further objection that he deprives his Guardians even of happiness, maintaining that happiness of the whole state which should be the object of legislation," ultimately he is saying that Guardians sacrifice their happiness for power and control. Guardians who lead such a strict life will also think it necessary to impose the same strict lifestyle on the society it governs (Hacker 86). Aristotle puts a high value on moderation (Hacker 81). Many people favor moderation because it is part-liberal and part-conservative. There is so much of Plato's utopia that is undefined and it is carried to extremes that no human being could ever fulfill its requirements (Hacker 81). Aristotle believes that Plato is underestimating the qualitative change in human character and personality that would have to take place in order to achieve his utopia (Hacker 81). Plato chose to tell the reader of his Republic how men would act and what their attitudes would be in a perfect society (Hacker 81). Aristotle tries to use real men in the real world in an experimental fashion to foresee how and in which ways they can be improved (Hacker 81). Both Plato and Aristotle agree that justice exists in an objective sense: that is, it dictates a belief that the good life should be

Friday, November 22, 2019

Letting Go - Freewrite Store

Letting Go - Freewrite Store This is a guest post by Dorothy R. Santos.  Dorothy is a writer, editor, curator, and educator.  She served as the managing editor for Hyphen magazine. Her essay â€Å"Materiality to Machines: Manufacturing the Organic and Hypotheses for Future Imaginings,† will be published The Routledge Handbook of Biology for Art and Architecture in 2016. She teaches at the University of California, Santa Cruz in the Digital Art and New Media department. Every morning, I flick at my smartphone screen and read the news. I watch for some of my favorite writers in art, technology, and cultural criticism. I used to marvel at how quickly some of my favorite writers and journalists could produce content in such a prolific manner. But having done that made me spiral into some major neuroses about my writing as well as assuming the impostor syndrome. Sure, I make a fine editor because it's always easy to critique anyone else's writing but your own. It's also easy to say to yourself that you're never going to meet the same ranks as the writers you admire. So, when I asked myself, "what is a successful writer?" I went way back into my grammar school days. I remember being in English class when I was growing up and thinking how amazing it was to learn about subjects, predicates, nouns, and conjugating verbs. I think that was in large part due to the fact that I grew up in a household where multiple languages were spoken. To some degree, it helped and would stick with me for a long time. But it was also relatively confusing. How would I communicate in the long run? How would I use language? Over the years, I forgot how passionate I was about learning language until I had to serve as an editor in chief in college and in hindsight, it was probably because I was easy to work with and could be told what to do (and very impressionable). Overall, after all this time, I think what makes a writer successful is doing one thing - letting go. You might ask, what do you mean by letting go and this just sounds like so many other self help books and a little too easy? That's not real advice, you might be saying. But take it however you want. It's not about resignation, that's different. When you are resigned, you don't try, you don't fight, and you don't care. Letting go isn't about having an "IDGAF" attitude either. You must respect yourself as a writer to know what you are passionate about and commit. If you're the only one on earth that wants to write about the creation of the microprocessor or fascinated by the proliferation of #whatarethose meme, well, write about it. Write to yourself. Write for yourself. As writers, I understand the need for an audience, I mean, let's face it, readership is important as a writer. But your reader reads your work because they see that you care. Another question you might be asking yourself is, "Okay, let go of what exactly?" It's been challenging because I was born and raised in an immigrant family that did not exactly foster my passions in the arts and humanities. When my mother immigrated to San Francisco in 1978, she didn't exactly know what she was stepping into, but rallied her resources as best as she could and sent me to private school for as long as financially possible. Right away, she saw my love for the arts and language as a little girl. Yet she wanted me to grow up skilled in something practical that would yield me the life that she didn't have in the Philippines. That being said, your past and upbringing have a lot to do with the way you define success. What you do and how you make your mark have a lot to do with personal histories and experiences and, sometimes, letting go of what you have been told time and time again will result in precarious living, doesn't hold true when you let go and start living the life you want. It's challenging, it's tough, as a writer, but for all of the writers I know and deeply admire, I notice the one thing they did along the way that has led to what I perceive and acknowledge as success is to let go. Letting go of naysayers, unproductive criticism, feeling like an impostor, perfection, the need to be right, the fear of being wrong, rigid structures that prevent you from growth, toxic people/personalities, habits that prevent you from actually writing. I've said "I wish I just had more time" as well. But don't we all? You gotta let go of that too. So, what would you do with that extra time? Where is that extra time going? At the end of the day, being a successful writer actually doesn't mean writing for the biggest news outlets or even writing the best essay, article, or book. Being a successful writer means that you've written something you believe in and it can help illuminate something for someone. It doesn't have to be perfect and it doesn't have to be award winning. But it has to be something you feel the world needs and couldn't live without because if you don't write it, it doesn't exist and if it doesn't exist, it probably never will. At least not from your perspective, your vision, and your experiences. Don't worry about someone misunderstanding or not getting it, that's actually not a part of being successful. There will always be people that don't get something because they genuinely don't get it or because they intentionally don't want to understand. Remember that it's not your job to make people understand. It's your job to think, read, write, and initiate the thoughts of others into thinking deeply about the world around them. You may be the only person writing what you write. Or, you might say that that's been written before. Whatever the case, write gibberish, write crap, then look at what you write and start over. Writing is the place where you can command language and expand on it however you want. It's really up to you to do what you want with it. But taking responsibility for the things you write is another aspect of writing that you need to take into account. You can always change your mind. In the long run, it's also about a nice long conversation with culture itself an d how it's changed and where you want to see it go and how you're making your mark as well. So, what are you waiting for? Let go. Letting Go - Freewrite Store This is a guest post by Dorothy R. Santos.  Dorothy is a writer, editor, curator, and educator.  She served as the managing editor for Hyphen magazine. Her essay â€Å"Materiality to Machines: Manufacturing the Organic and Hypotheses for Future Imaginings,† will be published The Routledge Handbook of Biology for Art and Architecture in 2016. She teaches at the University of California, Santa Cruz in the Digital Art and New Media department. Every morning, I flick at my smartphone screen and read the news. I watch for some of my favorite writers in art, technology, and cultural criticism. I used to marvel at how quickly some of my favorite writers and journalists could produce content in such a prolific manner. But having done that made me spiral into some major neuroses about my writing as well as assuming the impostor syndrome. Sure, I make a fine editor because it's always easy to critique anyone else's writing but your own. It's also easy to say to yourself that you're never going to meet the same ranks as the writers you admire. So, when I asked myself, "what is a successful writer?" I went way back into my grammar school days. I remember being in English class when I was growing up and thinking how amazing it was to learn about subjects, predicates, nouns, and conjugating verbs. I think that was in large part due to the fact that I grew up in a household where multiple languages were spoken. To some degree, it helped and would stick with me for a long time. But it was also relatively confusing. How would I communicate in the long run? How would I use language? Over the years, I forgot how passionate I was about learning language until I had to serve as an editor in chief in college and in hindsight, it was probably because I was easy to work with and could be told what to do (and very impressionable). Overall, after all this time, I think what makes a writer successful is doing one thing - letting go. You might ask, what do you mean by letting go and this just sounds like so many other self help books and a little too easy? That's not real advice, you might be saying. But take it however you want. It's not about resignation, that's different. When you are resigned, you don't try, you don't fight, and you don't care. Letting go isn't about having an "IDGAF" attitude either. You must respect yourself as a writer to know what you are passionate about and commit. If you're the only one on earth that wants to write about the creation of the microprocessor or fascinated by the proliferation of #whatarethose meme, well, write about it. Write to yourself. Write for yourself. As writers, I understand the need for an audience, I mean, let's face it, readership is important as a writer. But your reader reads your work because they see that you care. Another question you might be asking yourself is, "Okay, let go of what exactly?" It's been challenging because I was born and raised in an immigrant family that did not exactly foster my passions in the arts and humanities. When my mother immigrated to San Francisco in 1978, she didn't exactly know what she was stepping into, but rallied her resources as best as she could and sent me to private school for as long as financially possible. Right away, she saw my love for the arts and language as a little girl. Yet she wanted me to grow up skilled in something practical that would yield me the life that she didn't have in the Philippines. That being said, your past and upbringing have a lot to do with the way you define success. What you do and how you make your mark have a lot to do with personal histories and experiences and, sometimes, letting go of what you have been told time and time again will result in precarious living, doesn't hold true when you let go and start living the life you want. It's challenging, it's tough, as a writer, but for all of the writers I know and deeply admire, I notice the one thing they did along the way that has led to what I perceive and acknowledge as success is to let go. Letting go of naysayers, unproductive criticism, feeling like an impostor, perfection, the need to be right, the fear of being wrong, rigid structures that prevent you from growth, toxic people/personalities, habits that prevent you from actually writing. I've said "I wish I just had more time" as well. But don't we all? You gotta let go of that too. So, what would you do with that extra time? Where is that extra time going? At the end of the day, being a successful writer actually doesn't mean writing for the biggest news outlets or even writing the best essay, article, or book. Being a successful writer means that you've written something you believe in and it can help illuminate something for someone. It doesn't have to be perfect and it doesn't have to be award winning. But it has to be something you feel the world needs and couldn't live without because if you don't write it, it doesn't exist and if it doesn't exist, it probably never will. At least not from your perspective, your vision, and your experiences. Don't worry about someone misunderstanding or not getting it, that's actually not a part of being successful. There will always be people that don't get something because they genuinely don't get it or because they intentionally don't want to understand. Remember that it's not your job to make people understand. It's your job to think, read, write, and initiate the thoughts of others into thinking deeply about the world around them. You may be the only person writing what you write. Or, you might say that that's been written before. Whatever the case, write gibberish, write crap, then look at what you write and start over. Writing is the place where you can command language and expand on it however you want. It's really up to you to do what you want with it. But taking responsibility for the things you write is another aspect of writing that you need to take into account. You can always change your mind. In the long run, it's also about a nice long conversation with culture itself an d how it's changed and where you want to see it go and how you're making your mark as well. So, what are you waiting for? Let go.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Staff Training Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Staff Training Strategy - Essay Example The essay "Staff Training Strategy" talks about the problems of making the employees work as a team by analyzing the strategy of pairing young people with old employees in order to make sure that they learn from each other as Generation Gap plays an important role in determining the relationship of the teams. Gen Yers are found to be attention seeking and more technology-oriented people, whereas older people tend to be technology avert who try to do things manually. A disagreement was caused by an older employee’s reluctance to use the new payroll system. However, in the end, the dispute was resolved, but what we can learn from the situation is that by pairing up older and young people, there are chances of disputes which are more dangerous than the one which occurred over the new technology. Hence, the company should look into its policy of pairing the different employees. The strategy that the company can use to solve this problem is by conducting personality interview. They can assess the personality types and preferences of its different employees and then can make teams of people who seem similarly, All though there will still be some disputes and disagreements, they would not be as grave as the one in the case. The company can also take an initiative of the teaching of teaching new technology to the older staff. This would bridge the gap between the older and younger population in the organization. By becoming more technology aware, the older people in the organization would also be more productive.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Comparison of Mary (from the long poem Half Hanged Mary) and Offred Essay

Comparison of Mary (from the long poem Half Hanged Mary) and Offred (from The Handmaid's Tale) - Essay Example Mary survives a hanging ranged over several hours In addition to that both Mary and Offred experience lack of empathy from the women. Mary expects her supposed friends to help her. She reflects upon the ways she had helped them in different ways, expecting them to help her out now; While Mary’s old friends do not empathize with her while she is hung because they want to be different from her, Serena, the Commander’s wife, assists the Commander in his heinous act of making love to Offred just for the sake of a baby. Both Mary and Offred find that women are only there to maximize their sufferings rather than reducing them. Serena’s distaste for Offred is evident from the way she asks Offred to leave after she has had sex with the Commander; she says, â€Å"You can get up now. Get up and get out† (Atwood 95). Mary and Offred differ in their experiences. While Mary’s punishment is a tale that ranges from 7:00 pm to 8:00 am, Offred suffers for many months. The nature of their punishments is totally different from each other. Mary is hanged whereas Offred is punished in terms of her forced separation from Luke and her daughter, forced sex with the Commander, and indecent proposals from the doctor, and a life of submissiveness and servitude to the Commander. Although both Mary and Offred are women of strong nerves, yet Mary expresses it overtly whereas Offred’s patience and stamina is evident from the multifarious traumatic experiences she narrates in the story and yet retains the courage to give her life a last chance by escaping in the wan. Mary expresses her determination in these words, Mary and Offred are both women and this is their crime. Mary and Offred find other women involved in men’s ways to traumatize them. Mary and Offred have strong nerves. The two women differ in their nature of sufferings, their experiences, and the duration of their

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Pearl Harbor - Short Summary Essay Example for Free

Pearl Harbor Short Summary Essay Three-hundred and sixty Japanese planes broke through the clouds above Pearl Harbor at 07. 55. The planes attacked in rows of two or three, dropping torpedoes at 100 knots from 70 feet. The first wave of planes destroyed US hangers and the planes in the neat, anti-sabotage rows. Other attacks in the first wave were on Battleship Row, cruisers and other auxiliary ships. Most ships had numerous torpedo hits. To complete the destruction of the war ships, six submarines aided in the sinking and destroying of what was not already certain. When torpedoing planes left the vicinity, bombers carrying 1 600 pound bombs were sent to destroy any remaining ships. Overlapping the first wave of attack at 08. 40 was a second one. They concentrated on the not yet fully destroyed airfields. By 09. 45 any ship of the US Pacific! Naval Fleet that was not on the Ocean floor was drifting helplessly. It [the Arizona] sank like an earthquake had struck it, a survivor remarked, 1 200 of his crew mates died. US troops returned from church or brunch to defend as best they could. Fighting until they drowned or were crushed by exploding debris, sailors, fliers and anti-aircraft gunners fought heroically to save their doomed naval base. By reason of the attack occurring in what Americans thought was peace time, much of the ammunition was locked away, leaving the defending US troops with little defense. In the end, the US had eight battleships, three cruisers and a large number of smaller vessels sink or rendered out of use. The Japanese lost 0 30 planes and five submarines. Although the destruction was not total, Japanese foremost naval strategist, Yamamoto, found the result better than he had anticipated . Military records state that the attack sank or destroyed 6 ships. US casualties included 2 500 as well as over 1 000 wounded. The Japanese lost less than 30 aircraft and about 55 men. The bombing of Pearl Harbor can be seen as a turning point in the war. Essentially, the war had been of mainly European involvement, now it took a global turn. The bombing prompted a US declaration of war on the following day, as well as great American shock and outrage tempered by anger. The attack was dubbed a day of infamy by President Roosevelt, as no American could forgive or forget the actions of the Japanese nation. The Japanese could not have devised a better way to rally the American citizens into full support for Roosevelt and his governments plan of US involvement in the war. A previous promise between British Prime Minister, Winstin Churchill and President Roosevelt was honored when Britain declared war upon Japan two hours after the US declaration. The events surrounding the bombing of Pearl Harbor prove the US handled the situation very poorly. Many opposing tactics were noted and ignored. Warnings were thought of as routine. Even survivors, who were fully aware of the Japanese tendencies of war on China, the government war warnings and their countrys unprepared state, still describe the attack as a surprise. The Japanese military strategies were intelligent and well executed; although, the Japanese attack would not have been nearly as effective had the Americans not have been so blatantly ignorant. The US had no knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, and it was their fault.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Pope Pius XIIs Neutrality Essay -- Catholic Church, Holocaust, Hitler

Is it possible for a Pope to be infallible? When one looks at events, such as the Holocaust, the answer of this question becomes twofold. Were Pope Pius XII’s actions an attempt to save the Catholic Church from persecutions or a lack of understanding of Hitler’s ethnic cleansing? Nearly six million Jews were slaughtered during the Holocaust. When the world became aware of the mass murders that were taking place in Europe, World War II became a moral obligation rather than a fight for power. The Allied powers invaded Germany to save Jews and force the Nazis out of power in Germany. Many Nazi resistance groups, including Catholic groups, aided in the hiding of Jews in Europe. Surprisingly, the Vatican did not assist these resistance groups. Pope Pius XII neglected to help Jewish Holocaust victims and cowardly ignored the moral issue in order to remain neutral, avoid conflict in the war, and evade the persecution of more Catholics. **NEED A WAY TO INTRODUCE THIS PARAGRAPH In 1930, Pope Pius XI appointed Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, later Pope Pius XII, as Secretary of State of the Holy See. Pacelli assisted Pius XI in writing encyclicals, dealing with diplomatic matters and handling international affairs (Sanchez 16). In fact, Pius XI selected Cardinal Pacelli to agree to the Reich Concordat of 1933 on his behalf. The Reich Concordat of 1933 was an agreement signed by Cardinal Pacelli and Herr Franz von Papen, the Vice-Chancellor of the German Reich. This agreement allowed the Pope to impose laws on the German clergy and ensure the freedom of German Catholic dioceses, schools, religious Orders, congregations and parishes (Concordat). The German Reich agreed to these terms so long as the papacy encouraged the demolition of t... ...iation against Catholics in the occupied countries. Pope Pius XII’s distrust and fear of the Jews also played role in his silence (Cornwell 296). He believed that adversity followed the Jews and as such, he wanted to distance himself from them. When war began Pope Pius XII did not believe all the reports he was hearing about Nazi Germany. Often times, he considered such reports war propaganda by the allies (Cornwell 296). The silence of the Pope was deafening. If Pope Pius XII had readily shared his knowledge regarding the deportations of Jews and death camps with the rest of the world immediately upon learning this information, it is extremely possible that many lives would have been saved. This silent reaction of the papacy began the controversy of the moral obligations of Pope Pius XII and the omissions of any reactions to the atrocities taking place.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Describe with Examples How Different Aspects of Development Affect One Another Essay

Question: Describe with examples how different aspects of development affect one another. Answer: When growing up children learn many things and at times these can overlap and become intertwined with each other. I have wrote a brief description of these different aspects of development and what they mean in general terms: Behaviours – The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others. Communication – The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using body language. Emotional – The feelings and/or reactions of an individual’s circumstances, mood, or relationship with others. Intellectual – The faculty of reasoning and understanding. Language – The method of communication, i.e. written or spoken, which has been structured to be understood. Physical – Relates to the body and not the mind. Social – Relates to how one works in partnership with others and the need for companionship and communication. Example: When my daughter was a baby, she learned that the things she did prompted different reactions from her dad and I, such as smiling when she smiled, and coming to her when she cried. In this way she was beginning to learn that physical acts, are a method of communicating and a way of expressing emotion’s such as happiness and sadness. Through this she gained the intellect to understand that crying means she is sad and as she got older she came to understand that other people are sad when they cry too. The more contact she has had with people, the more her own social confidence has expanded and as such she will now go to family members and try to communicate and get positive reactions through her good behaviour such as clapping her hands when happy. She is now a year old and attempting to learn what words are and what they mean, as she has observed that this is how adults communicate through spoken language. I have used my daughter as an example to show how different aspects of development affect each other and can occur at almost the same time. If we hadn’t smiled back at her when she smiled, she may not have attached this physical movement as an expression of  her emotion’s, which would have impacted her ability to socialise with others and empathise with their emotion’s as well as communicate her own.In little ways such as that, each aspect of development can affect each other and as these main stages of development continue to affect children as they learn and grow, it ultimately affects the person the child will become. Children are influenced by those around them such as parents, friends and teachers who the children will emulate and learn from through observation and then put into practice in their own social encounters.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Tybcom Exam Time Table

(203) FIRST HALF 2012 ( Unique Exam Code 22300001) PROGRAMME OF THE THIRD YEAR B. COM. (THREE YEAR DEGREE COURSE) EXAMINATION Candidates for the above examination are requested to be in attendance at the place of examination, fifteen minutes before the time appointed for setting of the first paper and ten minutes before the time fixed for setting of each subsequent paper. THEY ARE FORBIDDEN TO TAKE ANY BOOK OR PAPER INTO THE EXAMINATION HALL. Seat numbers and places of examination will be announced on the college notice boards four days prior to the date of commencement of the examination. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the examination hall. The written examination will be conducted in the following order :- Days and Dates Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Time Paper 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Financial Accounting & Auditing : Paper-III – Financial (FOR FRESH Accounting. CANDIDATES Economics – Paper III APPEARED FIRST TIME FOR T. Y. B. COM. EXAM) Business Management : Paper III- Management & Organisation Development. Commerce: Paper III International Business Relations. IIIQuantitative Techniques : Paper III-Mathematical Methods. Banking & Finance : Paper III- Introduction to Banking in India. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Financial Accounting & Auditing : Paper-III – Financial (REPEATERS & I. D. E. STUDENTS) Accounting. Economics – Paper III Business Management : Paper III- Management & Organisation Development. Commerce: Paper III- International Business Relations. Quantitative Techniques : Paper III-Mathematical Methods. Banking & Finance : Paper III- Introduction to Banking in India. Thursday, March 22, 2012 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Financial Accounting & Auditing : Paper IV-Audition (FOR FRESH and Cost Accounting. CANDIDATES APPEARED FIRST TIME Economics – Paper IV. FOR T. Y. B. COM. EXAM) Business Management : Paper IV – Financial Management. Commerce : Paper IV – Management of Service Industry. Quantitative Techniques : Paper IV – Statistical Methods. Banking & Finance : Paper IV – Introduction to Financial Services. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Financial Accounting & Auditing : Paper IV-Audition (REPEATERS & I. D. E. and Cost Accounting. STUDENTS) Economics – Paper IV. Business Management : Paper IV – Financial Management. 2 Days and Dates Thursday, March 22, 2012 Time Paper 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Commerce : Paper IV – Management of Service (REPEATERS & I. D. E. STUDENTS) Industry. Saturday, March 24, 2012 Quantitative Techniques : Paper IV – Statistical Methods. Banking & Finance : Paper IV – Introduction to Financial Services. 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Financial Accounting & Auditing : Paper V(FOR FRESH Management Accounting etc. CANDIDATES Economics – Paper V APPEARED FIRST TIME FOR T. Y. B. COM. EXAM) Business Management: Paper V-Marketing Management. Commerce: Paper V-Commercial Administration. Quantitative Techniques: Paper V- Operations Research, Quality Control & Reliability. Banking & Finance: Paper V- Finance of Foreign Trade and Foreign Exchange. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Financial Accounting & Auditing : Paper V- Monday, March 26, 2012 Management Accounting etc. Economics – Paper V Business Management: Paper V-Marketing g p g Management. Commerce: Paper V-Commercial Administration. Quantitative Techniques: Paper V- Operations Research, Quality Control & Reliability. Banking & Finance: Paper V- Finance of Foreign Trade and Foreign Exchange 11:00 a. to 01:00 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper – VI/VII Direct and Indirect Taxes. 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Direct and Indirect Taxes. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Direct and Indirect Taxes. 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Business Economics. : Paper III. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Business Economics. : Paper III. (REPEATERS & I. D. E. STUDENTS) Tuesday, March 27, 2012 Wednesday, March 28, 2012 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m . Commerce : Paper III –Marketing and Human Resource Management. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Commerce : Paper III – Management and Production Thursday, March 29, 2012 Planning. (OLD) Commerce : Paper III –Marketing and Human Resource Management (REV) 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper – VI/VII Export Marketing. Vocational Subjects : Paper VI – Tourism and Travel Management – Emerging Concepts for Effective Tourism Development and Information, Communication and Automation (V) Tax Procedures and Practice – Central Excise (V) Advertising Sale Promotion & Sales ManagementManagement of the Sales Force, Sales Promotion and Public Relations (V) Computer Application – Java Programming I & II Foreign Trade Procedures and Practice – Shipping and Insurance & Foreign Trade Documentation (V) 3 Days and Dates Thursday, March 29, 2012 Time Paper 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Principles & Practice of Insurance – Property and Liability Insurance (V) 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper – VI/VII Export Marketing (OLD) Export Marketing (REV) 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Export Marketing Vocational Subjects : Paper VI – Tourism and Travel Management – Emerging Concepts for Effective Tourism Development and Information, Communication and Automation (V) Tax Procedures and Practice – Central Excise (V) Advertising Sale Promotion & Sales ManagementManagement of the Sales Force, Sales Promotion and Public Relations (V) Computer Application – Java Programming I & II Foreign Trade Procedures and Practice – Shipping and Insurance & Foreign Trade Documentation (V) Principles & Practice of Insurance – Property and Liability Insurance (V) 11:00 a. to 01:00 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII Business Insurance. Computer Systems and Applications Literature in English 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII Friday, March 30, 2012 Business Insurance (OLD) Business Insurance (REV) 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Business Insurance 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Computer Systems and Applications Saturd ay, March 31, 2012 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Literature in English 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII- Labour Welfare & Practice Psychology of Human Behaviour at work Vocaitonal Subjects : Paper VII- Tourism and Travel Manangement – Entrepreneurship Development, Case Studies and Problems etc (VI) Tax Procedures and Practice – Enterpreneurship, Central Excise, Problem etc. (VI) Advertising Sales Promotion and Sales Management – Enterpreneurship Development, Case Studies etc (VI) Computer Application – E-Commerce/ Entrepreneurship Development Foreign Trade Procedures and PracticePractice Entrepreneurship, Case Studies etc. VI) Principles and Practice of Insurance – Entrepreneurship and Group Insurance and Retirement Benefit Scheme (VI) 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII- Labour Welfare & Practice. 4 Days and Dates Saturday, March 31, 2012 Time Paper 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Labour Welfare & Practice Psychology of Human Behaviour at work Vocaitonal Subjects : Paper VII- Tourism and Travel Manangement – Entrepreneurs hip Development, Case Studies and Problems etc (VI) Tax Procedures and Practice – Enterpreneurship, Central Excise, Problem etc. VI) Advertising Sales Promotion and Sales Management – Enterpreneurship Development, Case Studies etc (VI) Computer Application – E-Commerce/ Entrepreneurship Development Foreign Trade Procedures and PracticeEntrepreneurship, Case Studies etc. (VI) Principles and Practice of Insurance – Entrepreneurship and Group Insurance and Retirement Benefit Scheme (VI) Monday, Monday April 02, 2012 02 11:00 a m to 01:00 p m A li d C a. m p. m. Applied Component G t Group : P Paper VI/VII Marketing Research. 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Marketing Research (OLD) Marketing Research (REV) 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Marketing Research Tuesday, April 03, 2012 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII- Inventory Management and Cost Reduction Techniques Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations Investment Analysis Portfolio Management International Marketing Regional Planning Literature in Hindi. Literature in Gujarati Literature in French Literature in German Literature in Sindhi 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII- Inventory Management and Cost Reduction Techniques 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. . Inventory Management and Cost Reduction Techniques 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations p 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Investment Analysis Portfolio Management 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Investment Analysis Portfolio Management 5 Days and Dates Tuesday, April 03, 2012 Time 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. International Marketing. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. International Marketing. 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Regional Planning. 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Regional Planning Paper 11:00 a. to 02:00 p. m. Literature in Hindi (OLD) Wednesday, April 04, 2012 Literature in Hindi (REV) Literature in Gujarati Literature in French Literature in German Literature in Sindhi 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Banking Law & Practice Purchasing and Store Keeping Rural Marketing 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Banking Law & Practice 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Banking Law & Practice 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Purchasing and Store Keeping (OLD) 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Purchasing and Store Keeping (REV) 11:00 a m to 02:00 p m P a. m p. m. Purchasing and Store K h i d St Keeping i 11:00 a. to 01:30 p. m. Rural Marketing 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Rural Marketing Saturday, April 07, 2012 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Applied Component Group : Paper VI/VII- Enterpreneurship & M. S. S. I . Transport Management. 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Enterpreneurship & M. S. S. I (OLD) Enterpreneurship & M. S. S. I (REV) 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Entrepreneurship & M. S. S. I. 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Transport Management 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Transport Management Monday, April 09, 2012 11:00 a. m to 01:00 p. m. Merchant Banking Literature in Marathi Literature in Urdu. Elements of Operations Research 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Merchant Banking Literature in Marathi Literature in Urdu. 11:00 a. m to 01:30 p. m. Elements of Operations Research 11:00 a. m to 02:00 p. m. Elements of Operations Research IMPORTANT NOTICE: STUDENTS ENROLLED IN THE COLLEGES (OTHER THAN I. D. O. L) FOR T. Y. B. COM. PRIOR TO THE YEAR 2006-2007 AND STUDENTS ENROLLED THROUGH THE INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE AND OPEN LEARNING THE DURATION OF ALL THE APPLIED COMPONENT SUBJECTS WILL LEARNING. BE OF 3HRS. MUMBAI- 400 098. th 24 November, 2011 PROF. VILAS B. SHINDE CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Understanding Mayan Human Sacrifice

Understanding Mayan Human Sacrifice Why did the Maya perform human sacrifices? That the Mayan people practiced human sacrifice is not in doubt, but providing motives is part speculation. The word sacrifice is from the Latin and it is associated with the word sacred- human sacrifices, like many other rituals in the Maya and other civilizations, were part of a sacred ritual, an act of appeasing or paying homage to the gods. Grappling With the World Like all human societies, the Maya grappled with uncertainty in the world, erratic weather patterns which brought drought and storms, the anger and violence of enemies, the occurrence of disease, and the inevitability of death. Their pantheon of gods provided some perceived control over their world, but they needed to communicate with those gods and to perform deeds showing that they were worthy of good luck and good weather. The Maya performed human sacrifices during particular societal events. Human sacrifices were conducted at specific festivals in their annual calendar, at times of crisis, at dedications of buildings, at the ends or beginnings of warfare, at the accession to the throne of a new ruler, and at the time of that rulers death. Sacrifices at each of these events likely had different meanings to the people who conducted the sacrifices. Valuing Life The Maya valued life highly, and according to their religion, there was an afterlife so human sacrifice of people they cared for- such as children- was not perceived as murder but rather placing that individuals life into the hands of the deities. Even so, the highest cost to an individual was to lose their children thus child sacrifice was a truly holy act, conducted at times of crisis or times of new beginnings. At times of war and at rulers accessions, human sacrifices may have had a political meaning in that the ruler was indicating his ability to control others. Scholars have suggested that public sacrifice of captives was to display that ability and to reassure the people that he was doing everything he could to stay in communication with the gods. However, Inomata (2016) has suggested that the Maya may never have evaluated or discussed the legitimacy of a ruler: sacrifice was simply an expected part of the accession. Other Sacrifices Maya priests and rulers also made personal sacrifice, using obsidian knives, stingray spines, and knotted cords to draw blood from their own bodies as offerings to gods. If a ruler lost a battle, he himself was tortured and sacrificed. Luxury goods and other items were placed in sacred locations such as the Great Cenote at Chichen Itza and in rulers burials along with the human sacrifices. When people in modern societies try to come up with the purpose of human sacrifice in the past, we are prone to put our own concepts about how people think about themselves as individuals and members of society, how authority is established in our world, and how much control we believe our gods have over the world. It makes it difficult if not impossible to parse out what the reality might have been for the Maya, but no less fascinating for us to learn about ourselves in the process. Sources: Ardren T. 2011. Empowered Children in Classic Maya Sacrificial Rites. Childhood in the Past 4(1):133-145.Inomata T. 2016. Theories of Power and Legitimacy in Archaeological Contexts: The Emergent Regime of Power at the Formative Maya Community of Ceibal, Guatemala. Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. Boulder: University Press of Colorado. p 37-60.Pà ©rez de Heredia Puente EJ. 2008. Chen K’u: The Ceramic of the Sacred Cenote at Chichà ©n Itz. Tulane, Louisiana: Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (FAMSI).

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Proposal #1 Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

#1 - Research Proposal Example Natural oils- linseed, tung, and fish were used as binders until the 1960’s (Schuerman George and Bruzan Raymond 327). Currently, alkyd resins, vinyl and acrylic emulsions, epoxy resins and polyurethanes are the primary binders used in paints. Solvent chosen must be one in which the binder is soluble in and dries evenly. Most emulsion paints use water as the solvent while resin-based paints employ the use of mineral turpentine as the solvent. Pigments are finely divided, and insoluble powders dispersed in the paint that not only give paint its opacity and color, but also help to hold the paint together as well as protect the surface underneath from corrosion and weathering. Inorganic and organic substances are used as pigments with the inorganic ones being cheaper but with fewer clear colors. The tiny solid particles of pigments (≠¤ 1 µm in diameter) enables them to refract light (light has wavelengths between 0.4 µm and

Saturday, November 2, 2019

International Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

International Law - Essay Example This paper shall critically evaluate the means by which a territory can become a state. This essay is being written in order to arrive at a thorough and extensive assessment of statehood, especially, in relation to territory. Discussion Much debate and conflict have been seen owing to the right of a state to claim statehood. To this very day, different territories are trying to claim statehood and independence from their mother states. These claimants have even waged violent conflicts with their mother states in their bid for independence and statehood. Their belief revolves around the fact that since they fulfil the elements of statehood, they deserve to be recognized as independent states. These beliefs are however often rebuked by their mother states who often claim that these territories are not independent states, and for as long as they have sovereignty over it, international bodies cannot recognize them as independent states. The means by which a territory can later become and be recognized as a state are basically focused on the four elements. After these elements are established, the processes of international laws have to be applied in order to secure recognition for the territory as a state. Based on Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention, a state, in order to be recognized as a person of international law, must possess the following elements: a permanent population; a defined territory; government; and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. Traditionally, many states were able to gain recognition via international bodies by fulfilling the above basic requirement, as well as the requirements of sovereignty and independence (UIO Faculty of Law, 2010). A territory can become a state by first having a sufficient number of people to make up a population. Different authors and scholars support this basic premise because it is a natural requirement for subsistence. There is no specific requirement as to the number of inhabitants only that, this population needs to be sufficient in the conduct of state functions (Shaw, 2003, p. 179). This population also needs to be permanently based on the territory. It is this qualification which disqualifies Antarctica for statehood. It does not have a permanent population. At different points of the year, explorers from different countries enter the continent, but they do not settle therein permanently and they eventually return to their own states (Fry, Goldstein, & Langhorne, 2002, p. 457). Conversely, even as Somalia’s population is not permanent, with its nomad residents drifting in and out of its territory, it still is considered a state because the people have the ultimate intention of going back (Fry, Goldstein, & Langhorne, 2002, p. 457). It is also important to note that there is also no requirement for the people to have common linguistic, ethnic, cultural, or historical characteristics. The size of the population does not also matter. Vatican City is a small stat e with a small population, but it is able to function and carry out its responsibilities and roles as a state (Fry, Goldstein, & Langhorne, 2002, p. 457). In order for a territory to be qualified for statehood, its population only needs to fulfil the minimum requirements of permanency and be of a sufficient number to carry out duties of statehood. This qualification for statehood is actually one of the easier elements to fulfil, and is often the least source of controversy for territories seeking statehood. Government